Legends and Myths of Cali

La Llorona

This specter, a woman who cries inconsolably searching for her children, is one of the most widespread legends in Colombia. In Cali, it is said that her wailing can be heard near rivers and streams, especially on full moon nights.

The christ of La Ermita

It is said that in 1787, after a devastating earthquake, the only intact object in the Ermita church was an image of Christ. This miracle solidified the devotion of the people of Cali and added an aura of mystery to the church.

The house of tradition

Located in the San Antonio neighborhood, this colonial house is famous for its paranormal events. It is said that footsteps and voices of former inhabitants who refuse to leave can be heard inside.

The sugarcane fairy

According to the tales, a beautiful fairy inhabits the region’s sugarcane fields. She appears to the field workers in the early hours of dawn, offering her help to those who are just and generous.

The black hand

This legend speaks of the hand of a mutilated slave that appeared on the Loma de la Cruz. There is a figure in the place that commemorates the story.
