Get to know Cali
Cali, the hidden gem of Valle del Cauca, where the magic of nature and vibrant culture intertwine in an eternal dance. Here, life flourishes in every corner, inviting you to discover a paradise where each day is a celebration of beauty and diversity.

Imagine a place where the skies are adorned with 561 species of birds, painting the air with colors and melodies. Cali is home to the greatest variety of birds in the world, a natural spectacle that will take your breath away and awaken a deep love for nature in you.

But Cali is not just a refuge for birds. It is a vast mosaic of ecosystems ranging from lush tropical forests to mystical wastelands. The National Natural Park Los Farallones of Cali, with its 196,429.90 hectares, is a biodiversity sanctuary. Here, you can get lost among a thousand species of trees, orchids, and bromeliads, and marvel at the majesty of the spectacled bear, the stealthy jaguar, and the elegant ocelot.

Beyond its natural treasures, Cali is a city of vibrant spirit and warm hospitality. Its streets resonate with salsa and the joy of its people. The ecoparks and local guides are dedicated to offering you experiences that combine the splendor of nature with the rich culture of Cali.

In Cali, gastronomy is a celebration of fresh and authentic flavors that will delight your palate, offering you Pacific, traditional, and indigenous tastes.


Let yourself be captivated by Cali. Let its landscapes inspire you, its people move you, its cuisine surprise you, and its culture energize you. In every corner of this city, you’ll find a story waiting to be told, an adventure waiting to be lived.

Cali awaits you with open arms, ready to offer you an unforgettable experience that will stay with you forever. Come and discover the magic of Cali, where nature and culture meet in perfect harmony.

Here, you’ll find all the essential information you need to plan your visit and make the most of this charming city.

Geographical location

Cali is located in the southwest of Colombia, in the department of Valle del Cauca. The city is strategically situated on a plain surrounded by mountains, making it a key point for exploring the Andean region and the Colombian Pacific.


The city of Cali is at an average altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level. This location contributes to its warm and pleasant climate throughout the year.

Climate and temperature

Cali enjoys a tropical savanna climate, with temperatures ranging between 18°C and 34°C (64°F and 93°F). The city has two rainy seasons, from March to May and from October to November, with December to February and June to September being the driest periods. It’s advisable to bring light clothing, sunscreen, and an umbrella or raincoat during the rainy season.


The official language in Cali is Spanish. Although it’s common to find English speakers in tourist areas and hotels, learning some basic phrases in Spanish can enhance your experience.


The majority of the population in Cali is Catholic, and you’ll find numerous churches throughout the city, with the Church of San Antonio and the Metropolitan Cathedral of San Pedro Apóstol being two of the most important. However, there are also other Christian denominations and religions present.


The official currency of Colombia is the Colombian Peso (COP). Currency exchange offices and ATMs are widely available throughout the city. Credit cards are widely accepted in establishments.


No mandatory vaccinations are required for most visitors traveling to Cali. However, it’s recommended to be up to date with routine vaccinations and consider the yellow fever vaccine if you plan to visit nearby rural or jungle areas. Consult your doctor or a travel health clinic before your trip.

Travel documents

  • Passport: Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months from the date of entry.
  • Visa: Visa requirements vary depending on your nationality. Many countries in the Americas and Europe do not require a visa for short tourist stays. Verify specific requirements with the Colombian embassy in your country.
  • Andean Immigration Card: Upon arrival, you will receive this document, which you must keep until you leave the country.

Safety and precautions

Like any major city, Cali has areas that are best avoided, especially at night. It’s advisable to follow local safety instructions, use reliable transportation services, and avoid displaying valuables. Use authorized taxis.

Connectivity and communications

Cali has good mobile network coverage and internet access. It’s recommended to purchase a local SIM card to facilitate communication. There are many prepaid plan options available with mobile data.


Electricity in Colombia is 110V at 60Hz, and the plug types are A and B. Make sure to bring an adapter if your devices use a different plug type.

Culture and etiquette

Caleños are known for their friendliness and hospitality. It’s common to greet with a handshake or a kiss on the cheek. Punctuality is valued, though not always strictly observed. Dressing casually but respectfully is generally accepted in most contexts.


Public transportation in Cali includes buses and the MIO mass transit system. Taxis and rideshare services are also readily available. Renting a car can be a good option for exploring the city and its surroundings.

With this information, you’re ready to start your adventure in Cali. Enjoy the culture, music, food, and warmth of this wonderful city!


Those visiting Colombia must fill out a mandatory form to enter and leave the country. You can find this form on the following Migración Colombia website:
