Where to stay?

Cali offers more than 2,500 hotels, hostels, and other types of tourist accommodations, ready to serve as your home during your stay at any time of the year.

With over 25,000 beds available in various areas, visitors are assured of comfort.

Each sector you choose to stay in will provide unique environments and experiences.

If you stay in the west, you’ll breathe in a lot of greenery and hear the river strongly. Opt for San Antonio, and you’ll have a wide gastronomic offer and heritage architecture at your disposal.

Alternatively, staying in the north means you’ll be close to shopping centers and enjoy a more tranquil city rhythm, while staying in the south puts you near exclusive sectors and stores, and offers easy access to Pance for river enjoyment.

If you are a foreign tourist not residing in Colombia, you are exempt from paying the Value Added Tax (VAT), which is 19%.

